STAT COUNTER post date 26 aprile 2010

free counters

giovedì 21 gennaio 2010

pag. ARCHEOLOGIA e HISTORIA UN-B arheo study

UN-B archeo study

letter opened proposal for VIRTUAL STUDY  into area

PROPOSAL OBJECT FOR PUBLICITY on site and in reality campus study ARCHEO

Hi !
i am vigilance on the area old castle for study peoples
I think if there is a possibility put on this area 3 your product - kam control rovio wowwee- robosapien- mini robosapienas YOUR PROMO PUBLICITY as you promote on my site your product mini vigilance in area pupil study.
If is OK for you geve us those 3 subject FREE GRATIS in change PROMO on our site OK for US.
Bye Paolo site you tube and new site on BLOGGER google site for your contact if you think OK this proposal oportunity.